Journal Articles
In press
Smith, N., Tessier, D.,Tzioumakis, Y., Fabra, P., Quested, E., Appleton, P., Sarrazin, P., Papaioannou, A., Balaguer, I. & Duda, J.L. (in press). The relationship between observed and perceived assessments of the coach-created motivational environment and links to athlete motivation. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 23, 51-63 ISSN 1469-02
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Kolovelonis A., & Theodorakis, Y. (in press). The use of self-talk in the organization of a lesson in sport, physical education and exercise settings. In P. Davis: The Psychology of Effective Coaching and Management. Nova Publishers
Chatzipanteli A., Digelidis N., Karatzoglidis, C. & Dean, R. (in press). A Tactical-game approach and enhancement of metacognitive behaviour in elementary school students. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.
Konstantinidou, E., Zisi, V., Katsarou, D., & Michalopoulou, M. (in press). Barriers and Inhibitors of Creativity in Physical Education. European Psychomotricity Journal.
Kofotolis, N., Kellis, E., Vlachopoulos, S., Gouitas, I., & Theodorakis, Y. (2016). Effects of Pilates and trunk strengthening exercises on health-related quality of life in women with chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Sánchez de Miguel, M., Lizaso, I., Hermosilla, D., Alcover, C.-M., Goudas, M. and Arranz-Freijó, E. (2017), Preliminary validation of the Perceived Locus of Causality scale for academic motivation in the context of university studies (PLOC-U). Br J Educ Psychol. doi:10.1111/bjep.12164
Morela Ε., Hatzigeorgiadis Α., Sanchez X., Papaioannou A., Elbe A. (2017). Empowering youth sport and acculturation: Examining the hosts’ perspective in Greek adolescents. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 30, 226-235,
ISSN 1469-0292,
ISSN 1473-8376, (
Grigorios M. , Filippos F., Vasiliki D. and Papaioannou A. (2016). Reliability and validity of the matson evaluation of social skills with youngsters (Messy II) in Greek context. Sport Science, 9(2), 92-96
Zisi, V., Gratsani, S., Leontari, D., & Theodorakis, Y. (2016). Combining Individual and Group Counselling Sessions in a Smoking Cessation Intervention. Psychology, 7, 1766-1784.
Pesce, C., Marchetti, R., Forte, R., Crova, C., Scatigna, M., Goudas, M., & Danish, S. J. (2016). Youth Life Skills Training: Exploring Outcomes and Mediating Mechanisms of a Group-Randomized Trial in Physical Education. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5, 232-264.
Hardy, J., & Zourbanos, N. (2016). Self-talk in sport. In R. Shinke, K. McGannon, & B. Smith. (Eds.).The Routledge International Handbook of Sport Psychology (pp. 449-459). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge
Galanis, V., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., & Theodorakis, Y., (2016). Why self-talk is effective? Perspectives on self-talk mechanisms in sport. In Raab, M., Wylleman, P., Seiler, R., Elbe, A-M, & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (Eds.), Sport and Exercise Psychology Research: From Theory to Practice (pp. 181-200). Elsevier
Latinjak, A., Font-Lladó, R., Zourbanos, N. & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2016). Goal-Directed Self-Talk Interventions: A Single-Case Study with an Elite Athlete. The Sport Psychologist, 30,189–194. DOI:10.1123/tsp.2015-0120
Schinke, R., Papaioannou, A. & Schack, T. (2016). Sport psychology in emerging countries: An introduction. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14 (2), 103-109. DOI:10.1080/1612197X.2016.1155828
Megakli, T., Vlachopoulos, S. P. and Theodorakis, Y. (2016), Effects of an Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Intervention on Health-Related Quality of Life in Women with Obesity. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 21, 82–106. DOI: 10.1111/jabr.12047
Gorozidis G., & Papaioannou, A. (2016).Teachers' achievement goals and self-determination to engage in work tasks promoting educational innovations. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 46-58. DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2016.05.014
Hatzigeorgiadis, Α., Pappa, V., Tzatzaki, Th., Tsiami, A Kalliopi, G., Zourbanos, N., Goudas, M., Chatzisarantis, N.L., Theodorakis, Y. (2016) Self-regulation strategies may enhance the acute effect o fexercise on smoking delay. Addictive Behaviours, 57, 35-37.
Zourbanos, N., Haznadar, A., Papaioannou, A., Tzioumakis, Y., Krommidas, Ch., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2016). The Relationships Between Athletes’ Perceptions of Coach-Created Motivational Climate, Self-Talk, and Self-Efficacy in Youth Football. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 28, 97-112. DOI:10.1080/10413200.2015.1074630
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Tsiami, A., Tzatzaki, T., Georgakouli, K., Manthou, E., Goudas, M., Jamurtas, A., Hatzoglou, C., Chatzisarantis, N., Hassandra, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2016). An initial investigation of smokers’ urges to smoke and their exercise intensity preference: A mixed-methods approach. Cogent Medicine, 3, 1149043. DOI: 10.1080/2331205X.2016.1149043
Psouni, S., Hassandra, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2016). Patterns of Eating and Physical Activity Attitudes and Behaviors in Relation to Body Mass Index. Psychology, 7, 180-192. DOI:10.4236/psych.2016.72020
Manthou, E., Georgakouli, K., Fatouros, I., Gianoulakis, ch., Theodorakis, Y., and Jamurtas, A. (2016). Role of exercise in the treatment of alcohol use disorders (Review). Biomedical Reports 4: 535-545.
Pesce, C., Marchetti, R., Forte, R., Crova, C., Scatigna, M., Goudas, M., Danish, S.J. (2016). Youth Life Skills Training: Exploring Outcomes and Mediating Mechanisms of a Group-Randomized Trial in Physical Education. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology.
Hassandra, M., Goudas, M. and Theodorakis, Y. (2015) Exercise and Smoking: A Literature Overview. Health, 7, 1477-1491. DOI: 10.4236/health.2015.711162
Milosis, D.C., Papaioannou, A.G., Siatras, T.A., Proios, M., Proios, M. (2015). Gender differences on attitudes and participation in an extracurricular gymnastics course among Greek university students. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 34, 424-441.
Chatzipanteli A., Digelidis N. & Papaioannou A. (2015). Self-regulation, motivation and teaching styles in physical education classes: An intervention study. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 34, 333-334.
Psouni, S., Zourbanos, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2015). Attitudes and intentions of Greek athletes and coaches regarding doping. Health, 7, 1224-1233. DOI: 10.4236/health.2015.79137
Zourbanos, N., Dimitriou, E., Goudas, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2015). Reliability and validity of the Greek version of the Smoking Efficacy Scale in high school students. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 38(1), 126-139
Zourbanos, N., Tzioumakis, Y., Araújo, D., Kalaroglou, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Papaionnou, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2015). The Intricacies of verbalizations, gestures, and game outcome using sequential analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 18, 32-41
Schinke, R.J., Stambulova, N.R., Lidor, R., Papaioannou, A., & Ryba, T. (2015). ISSP position stand: Social missions through sport and exercise psychology. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2014.999698
Slawinska, M.M., Papaioannou, A.G., Chatzisarantis, N.L.D., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Davis, P.A. (2015). On the relativistic nature of predicted and real physical experiences: A field experiment. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16, 106-111. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2014.10.001
Smith, N., Tessier, D., Tzioumakis, Y., Quested, E., Appleton, P., Sarrazin, P., Papaioannou, A., Duda, J.L. (2015). Development and validation of the multidimensional motivational climate observation system. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 37(1), 4-22. DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2014-0059
Pitsi, A., Digelidis, N., & Papaioannou, A. (2015). The effects of reciprocal and self–check teaching styles in students’ intrinsic–extrinsic motivation, enjoyment and autonomy in teaching traditional Greek dances. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(2), 352
Theodorakis, Y., Goudas, M., Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Jamurtas, A. (2015). Exercise as a Means for Smoking and Alcohol Cessation: New Trends in Research. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 12 (3), 226 – 233.
Kolovelonis, A., Keramidas, P., Krommidas, C., & Goudas, M. (2015). The relationship between motivational climate and social behavior in physical education. Journal of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Rehabilitation, 1-11.
Boroujeni, S. T., Zourbanos, N., & Shahbazi, M. (2014). The effects of instructional and motivational self-talk on basketball passing and shooting performance in novice students. Medicina dello Sport, 67(3), 397-410.
Digelidis, N., Karageorghis, C.I., Papapavlou, A.J., & Papaioannou, A.G., (2014). Effects of Asynchronous Music on Lesson Satisfaction and Pupils’ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation at the Situational Level. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 326 – 341.
Gorozidis, G., & Papaioannou, A.G. (2014). Teachers’ motivation to participate in training and to implement innovations. Teaching and teacher education, 39.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Galanis, E., Zourbanos, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2014) A self-talk intervention for competitive sport performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 26, 82-95. DOI: 10.1080/10413200.2013.790095
Jamurtas, A. Z., Zourbanos, N., Georgakouli, K., Georgoulias, P., Manthou, E., Fatouros, I. G., Goudas, M., Koutentakis, Y., & Theodorakis, Y. (2014). Beta endorphin and alcohol urge responses in alcoholic patients following an acute bout of exercise. Journal of Addiction Reserch & Therapy, 5(4),194. doi: 10.4172/2155-6105.1000194
Konstantinidou, E., Zisi, V., & Michalopoulou, M. (2014). Preliminary psychometric properties of the CFTIndex in Greece: The perspective of Physical Education. Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2014.930452.
Kokaridas, D., Paslamouska, M., Patsiaouras, A., Natsis, P., Karagiannidis, I., Maggouritsa, G., & Efthimiou, P. (2014). Dynamic evaluation approach in adapted physical education: Assessing procedure and Individualized Education Program for inclusion purposes. Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, 2 (3), Art.7 (Summer/Fall).
Latinjak, A. T., Zourbanos, N., López-Ros, V., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2014). Goal-directed and undirected self-talk: Exploring a new perspective for the study of athletes' self-talk. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15, 548-558. DOI:
Leptokaridou, E.T., Vlachopoulos, S.P., Papaioannou, A.G. (2014). Experimental longitudinal test of the influence of autonomy-supportive teaching on motivation for participation in elementary physical education. Educational Psychology,
Maggouritsa, G., Kokaridas, D., Stoforos, P., Patsiaouras, A., Diggelidis, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2014). The effect of a physical activity program on improving body cathexis and self-esteem of patients with schizophrenia. Inquiries in Sports & Physical Education , 12, 40-51.
Maggouritsa, G., Kokaridas, D., Theodorakis, I., Patsiaouras, A., Mouzas, O., Dimitrakopoulos, S., & Diggelidis, N. (2014). The effect of a physical activity programme on improving mood profile of patients with schizophrenia. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12 (3) 273 - 284
Papaioannou, G. A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Chroni, A. (2014). Diffusion of International and European Knowledge and Standards on the Training of Sport and Exercise Psychology Professionals: The Case of Greece. In Gualberto Cremades, & Lauren S. Tashman (Eds.), Becoming a Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Professional: a Global Perspective (p. 315-323). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Polyzopoulou, K., Kokaridas, D., & Patsiaouras, A. (2014). Teachers’ perceptions toward education of gifted children in Greek educational settings. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14 (2), 211 – 221.
Tsiakara, A., & Digelidis, N. (2014). Assessing preschool children’s competitive behavior: an observational system. Early Child Development and Care.DOI:10.1080/03004430.2013.873035.
Tsimaras, V., Papaioannou, M., Proios, M., Fotiadou, E., Kokaridas, D., & Kotzamanidou, M. (2014). The effect of a digital interactive game in distractibility, hyperactivity and impulsivity in individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and intellectual disability. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14 (4), 500 – 506.
Zafeiroudi, A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Kosta G. (2014). Validation of the Greek version of the Responsible Environmental Behavior scale and relationships with participation in outdoor activities. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism, 13, 20-37.
Zourbanos, N., Papaioannou, A., Argyropoulou, E., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2014). Achievement goals and self-talk in physical education: The moderating role of perceived competence. Motivation & Emotion, 38, 235-251. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-013-9378-x .
Κολοβελώνης, Α., & Γούδας, Μ. (2014).Ένα μοντέλο διδασκαλίας δεξιοτήτων στη φυσική αγωγή με βάση την κοινωνική γνωστική προσέγγιση αυτο-ρύθμισης της μάθησης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 12, 26-39.
Ζήση, Β., Γιάννη, Αι., Μπουγιέση, Μ., Πολλάτου, Ε., & Μιχαλοπούλου, Μ. (2014). Συστηματική Συμμετοχή σε Παραδοσιακό Χορό ή Άσκηση; Διαφοροποιήσεις στην Ποιότητα Ζωής Ατόμων Τρίτης Ηλικίας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 12(1), 1-8.
Zisi, V., Gianni, Ai., Bougiesi, M., Pollatou, E., & Michalopoulou, M. (2014). Systematic Participation in Folk Dance or Physical Activity? Effects in Quality of Life in the Elderly. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 12(1), 1-8.
Μπουγιέση, M., Γιάννη, Αι.. & Ζήση, Β. (2014). Ποιότητα ζωής και χορός σε άτομα μέσης και τρίτης ηλικίας: Ανασκόπηση βιβλιογραφίας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 12 (3), 16-28.
Bougiesi, M., Gianni, Ai., & Zisi, V. (2014). Quality of life and dance in middle aged and older adults: A literature review. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 12(3), 16-28.
Chroni, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2014). Onsite Coping in Novice Climbers as a Function of Hardiness and Self-efficacy. Annals of Leisure Research, 9(3-4): 139-154. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2006.10816426
Parastatidou, I., Doganis, G., Theodorakis, Y., & Vlachopoulos, S. (2014). The mediating role of passion in the relationship of exercise motivational regulations with exercise dependence symptoms. Int J Ment Health Addiction, 12, 406–419. DOI 10.1007/s11469-013- 9466-x
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Morela, E., Elbe, A.M, Kouli, O., & Sanchez, X. (2013). The integrative role of sport in multicultural societies. European Psychologist, Special Issue: Multiculturalism in Europe, 18, 191-202.
Kokaridas, D., Maggouritsa, G., Stoforos, P., Patsiaouras, A., Theodorakis, Y., Diggelidis, N., (2013). The Effect of a token economy system program and physical activity on improving quality of life of patients with schizophrenia: A pilot study. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 80-88. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajap.20130206.13
Kolovelonis, A., & Goudas, M. (2013). The development of self-regulated learning of motor and sport skills in physical education: A review. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 10, 193-210.
Kolovelonis, A., Mousouraki, M., Goudas, Μ., & Michalopoulou, Μ. (2013). Psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Children and Youth Physical Self-Perception Profile Questionnaire. Advances in Physical Education, 3, 158-164. doi: 10.4236/ape.2013.34026.
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., Dermitzaki, I., & Kitsantas, A. (2013). Self-regulated learning and performance calibration among elementary physical education students. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28, 685-701. doi:10.1007/s10212-012-0135-4
Kokaridas, D., Maggouritsa, G., Stoforos, P., Patsiaouras, A., Theodorakis, Y. & Diggelidis, N. (2013). The Effect of a Token Economy System Program and Physical Activity on Improving Quality of Life of Patients with Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Applied Psychology, 2 (6), 80-88.
Kaltsatou, A., Fotiadou, E., Tsimaras, V., Kokaridas, D., & Sidiropoulou, M. (2013). The effect of a traditional dance training program on dancing skills, rhythm and orientation abilities and on intrinsic motivation of individuals with hearing loss. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 13(3), 438 - 446.
Morela, Ε., Hatzigeorgiadis, Α., Kouli, Ο., Elbe, Α.Μ. & Sanchez, Χ. (2013). Team cohesion and ethnic-cultural identity in adolescent migrant athletes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 643–647.
Papaiaonnou, A., Appleton, P., Torregrosa, M., Jowett, G., Bosselut, G., Gonzalez, L., Haug, E., Ertesvaag, V., Zourbanos, N. (2013). Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and personal well-being in European youth soccer players: Invariance of physical activity, global self-esteem and vitality across 5 countries. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 351-364. DOI:10.1080/1612197X.2013.830429
Papaioannou, A., Machaira, E., Vari, T. (2013). Fifteen years of publishing in English language journals of sport and exercise psychology: authors’ proficiency in English and editorial boards make a difference. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 1-10.
Patsiaouras, A., Georgiadi, O., Anagnostou, G., Georgiadis, T., & Kokaridas, D. (2013). The effect of a person-centered approach in the management of anxiety in sports: an examination study. Serbian Journal of Sport Sciences, 7 (4), 187 – 193.
Quested, A., Ntoumanis, N., Viladrich, C., Haug, E., Ommundsend, Y., Van Hoyee, A., Mercéf, J., Howard, K., Hall, H. K., Zourbanos, N., & Duda, J. L. (2013). Intentions to drop-out of youth soccer: A test of the basic needs theory among European youth from five countries. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 395-407. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2013.830431
Tessier, D., Smith, N., Tzioumakis, Y., Quested, E., Sarrazin, P., Papaioannou, A., Digelidis, N., & Duda, J.L., (2013). Comparing the objective motivational climate created by grassroots soccer coaches in England, Greece and France. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 365-383.
Van Hoye, A., Fenton, S., Krommidas, C., Heuze, J.P., Quested, E., Papaioannou, A. & Duda, J.L. (2013). Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns among European youth footballers: A comparison across three European countries. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 341-350.
Viladrich,C., Appleton, P., Quested, E., Duda, J. L., Ntoumanis, N., Alcaraz, S., Heuze, J. P., Fabra, P., Samdal, O., Ommundsen, Y., Hill, A., & Zourbanos, N. (2013). Measurement invariance of thebehavioural regulation in sport questionnaire when completed by young athletes across five European countries. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 384-394. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2013.830434
Zourbanos, N. (2013). The use of instructional and motivational self-talk in setting up a physical education lesson. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 84, 54-58. DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2013.827555.
Zourbanos, N., Chroni, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2013). The effects of motivational self-talk on self-efficacy and performance in novice undergraduate students. Journal of Athletic Enhancement 2, 1-5. DOI:10.4172/2324-9080.1000117
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Bardas, D., Theodorakis, Y. (2013). The effects of self-talk on dominant and non-dominant arm performance on a handball task in primary physical education students. The Sport Psychologist, 27, 171-176.
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Bardas, D., Theodorakis, Y. (2013). The effects of a self-talk intervention on elementary students' motor task performance. Early Child Development and Care, 183, 924-930.
Chroni, A., Grigoriou, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2013). Observer intervention: exploring an alternative act against sexual harassment in higher education through the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 14, 184-201.
Chroni, S., Grigoriou, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2013). Βystander intention to stand up for a female-peer targeted in sexual harassment in academia. Journal of Int’l Women’s Studies, 14, 184-201.
Duda, J.L., Quested, E., Haug, E., Samdal, O., Wold, B., Balaguer, I., Castillo, I., Sarrazin, P., Papaioannou, A., Ronglan, L.T., Hall, H., & Cruz, J. (2013). Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity (PAPA): Background to the project and main trial protocol. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 319-327.
Giagazoglou, P., Kokaridas, D., Sidiropoulou, M., Patsiaouras, A., Karra, C., & Neofotistou, K. (2013). Effects of a trampoline exercise intervention on motor performance and balance ability of children with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2701
Giagazoglou, P., Sidiropoulou, M., Kouliousi, C., & Kokaridas, D. (2013). Motor developmental delays of institutionalized preschool aged children. Early Child Development and Care, 183 (5), 726 - 734.
Hassandra, M., Zourbanos, N., Kofou, G., Gourgoulianis, K., Theodorakis, Y. (2013). Process and outcome evaluation of the “No more smoking! It’s time for physical activity” program. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2, 242-248.
Fotiadis, D.G., Fotiadou, E.G., Kokaridas, D., & Mylonas, A.C. (2013). Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Professional Symphony Orchestra Musicians in Greece. A Pilot Study Concerning Age, Gender, and Instrument-Specific Results. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 28 (2), 91 - 95.
Anagnostou, G., Patsiaouras, A., Demetriou, S., & Kokaridas, D. (2013). Goal orientation and participation motivation in tennis young players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 13(3), 464 – 470.
Αδαμίδου, Ε., Ζήση, Β., Χασάνδρα, Μ., & Χρόνη Σ. (2013). Εικόνα Σώματος σε Εφήβους 13 – 17 ετών: Επιδράσεις Φύλου και Φυσικής Δραστηριότητας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό,11 (1), 65-75. (Adamidou, E., Zisi, V., Hassandra, M., & Chroni, S. (2013). Body Image in 13-17 Years Old Adolescents: Gender and Physical Activity Effects. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 11(1), 65-75.)
Χασάνδρα, M., Τσιαούση, Λ., Ζήση, B., Καρατζαφέρη, X., & Θεοδωράκης, Γ. (2013). Η επίδραση της άσκησης, του καπνίσματος και του αλκοόλ στην ποιότητα ζωής εκπαιδευόμενων σε κέντρα δια βίου μάθησης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 11 (3), 9-21.) . ( Hassandra, M., Tsiaousi, L,. Zisi, V., Karatzaferi, C., & Theodorakis, Y. (2013). Effects of physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption on quality of life of students in continuous education centers. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 11 (3), 9-21.)
Hassandra, M., Kofou, G., Zourbanos, N., Gratsani, S., Zisi, V., & Theodorakis, Y. (2012). Initial evaluation of a smoking cessation program incorporating physical activity promotion to Greek adults in anti-smoking clinics. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 35(3) 323-330. DOI: 10.1177/0163278712445202
Kolovelonis, A., & Goudas, M. (2012). Students’ recording accuracy in the reciprocal and the self-check teaching styles in physical education. Educational Research and Evaluation, 18, 733-747. doi:10.1080/13803611.2012.724938
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2012). Students’ performance calibration in a basketball dribbling task in elementary physical education. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4, 507-517.
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2012). The effects of self-talk and goal setting on self-regulation of learning a new motor skill in physical education. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 221-235. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2012.671592
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Gerodimos, V. (2011). The effects of the reciprocal and the self-check styles on pupils’ performance in primary physical education. European Physical Education Review, 17, 35-50. doi: 10.1177/1356336X11402265
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., Hassandra, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2012). Self-regulated learning in physical education: Examining the effects of emulative and self-control practice. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13, 383-389. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2012.01.005
Lymperakou M., Andresaki F., Karagianopoulou S., Skourti K, Pavlidou S., Nikolaidis G., Michalopoulou M., Digelidis N. (2012). Pedometer determined physical activity of preschool children, during and after school. European Psychomotricity Journal, 4, 22-30.
Moustaka, F.C., Vlachopoulos, S.P., Kabitsis, C., & Theodorakis, Y. (2012). Effects of an autonomy-supportive exercise instructing style on exercise motivation, psychological well-being and exercise attendance in middle-age women. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9, 138-150.
Papaioannou, A., Theodosiou, A., Pashali, M., Digelidis, N. (2012). Advancing Task Involvement, Intrinsic Motivation and Metacognitive Regulation in Physical Education Classes: The Self-Check Style of Teaching Makes a Difference. Advances in Physical Education, 2, 110-118.
Parastatidou, I., Doganis, G., Theodorakis, Y., & Vlachopoulos, S. (2012). Addicted to Exercise: Psychometric Properties of the Exercise Dependence Scale – Revised in a Sample of Greek Exercise Participants. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a0000xx
Parastatidou, Ι., Doganis, G., Theodorakis, Y., & Vlachopoulos, S. (2012). Exercising With Passion: Initial Validation of the Passion Scale in Exercise. Measurement in Physical Education & Exercise Science, 16(2), 119-134. doi/10.1080/1091367X.2012.65756.
Tsiakara A., & Digelidis N. (2012). Ways preschool children aged 4-5 years old express their desire to excel. European Psychomotricity Journal, 4, 41-48.
Sidiropoulou, M., Kokaridas, D., Giagazoglou, P., Karadonas, M., & Fotiadou, E. (2012). Incidence of exercise induced asthma in adolescent athletes under different sports training and environmental conditions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26 (6), 1644 - 1650.
Tsimaras, V., Giamouridou, A., Kokaridas, D., Sidiropoulou, M., & Patsiaouras, A. (2012). The effect of a traditional dance training program on dynamic balance of individuals with mental retardation. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26, 192 - 198
Γρηγορίου, Σ., Ζήση, B., Τάχιας, Φ., Γκιλυάνα, M., & Μπουγιέση, M. (2012). Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη, Ηλικία και Φυσική Δραστηριότητα: Ανασκόπηση Σύγχρονης Βιβλιογραφίας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 10, 17 -29. (Grigoriou, S., Zisi V., Tachias, F., Gilyana, M., & Bougiesi, M. (2012). Emotional Intelligence, Age and Physical Activity: Review of Contemporary Literature. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 10, 17-29.)
Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., Μπάρδας, Δ., Χατζηγεωργιάδης, Α. (2012). Η επίδραση της αυτο-ομιλίας σε μια νέα δεξιότητα στο ποδόσφαιρο σε μαθητές δημοτικού στο μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 10, 1-5. (Zourbanos, N., Bardas, D., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2012). The effects of self-talk on a novel task in football in elementary physical educatoin students. Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education, 10, 1-5.)
Ζουρμπάνος, Ν. (2012). Η ενσωμάτωση της τεχνικής του καθορισμού στόχων στην οργάνωση του μαθήματος της φυσικής αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 10(1), 38-36. [The incorporation of the goal-setting strategy in organizing a physical education lesson]
Anagnostou, G., Tsolakidis, S., Digelidis, N. & Patsiaouras, A. (2011). The contribution of physical education to the construction of pupils’ literate subjectivities. Sport Science, 8, 145-154.
Chatzipanteli A., & Digelidis N. (2011). The influence of metacognitive prompting on students’ performance in a motor skills test in physical education. International Journal of Sport Science and Engineering, 5, 93-98.
Gorozidis, G. & Papaioannou, A. (2011). Teachersʼ self-efficacy, achievement goals, attitudes and intentions to implement the new Greek physical education curriculum. European Physical Education Review. 17, 231-253.
Hassandra, M., Vlachopoulos, S., Kosmidou, E., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Goudas, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). Predicting students’ intention to smoke by the theory of planned behaviour and parental influences across school grade levels. Psychology and Health, 5, 1-18.
Hassandra, M., Vlachopoulos, S., Kosmidou, E., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Goudas, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). Determinants of Intention to Smoke in a Sample of Greek Youth: The Role of School Grade Level and Parental Influences. Psychology and Health, 26(9), 1241-1258. DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2011.605137
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., Galanis, E., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). Self-talk and Sport Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6, 354 - 362.
Kalaja, S., Jaakkola, T., Liukkonen, J., & Digelidis, N. (2011). Development of junior high school students’ fundamental movement skills and physical activity in a naturalistic physical education setting. Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy, 17, 411-428.
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Gerodimos, V. (2011).The effects of the reciprocal and the self-check styles on pupils’ performance in primary physical education.European Physical Education Review, 17, 35-50.doi: 10.1177/1356336X11402265
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2011).The effect of different goals and self-recording on self-regulation of learning a motor skill in a physical education setting. Learning and Instruction, 21, 355-364. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2010.04.001
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2011). The effects of instructional and motivational self-talk on students’ motor task performance in physical education. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 153-158. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2010.09.002
Kosmidou, E., Hassandra, M., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Goudas, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). Smoking outcome expectancies and smoking status from early to late adolescence in Greece. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 4, 237-245.
Michalopoulou, M., Zisi, V., Stani, S., Kiriazi, C., & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2011). Physical activity of Greek older adults aged 65 and over. Exercise and Quality of Life, 3(2), 19-30.
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Goudas, M., Papaioannou, A., Chroni, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2011). The social side of self-talk: Relationships between perceptions of support received from the coach and athletes’ self-talk. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12, 407-414.
Giagazoglou, P., Kabitsis, N., Kokaridas, D., Zaragas, C., Katartzi, E., & Kabitsis, C. (2011). The movement assessment battery in Greek preschoolers: The impact of age, gender, birth order, and physical activity on motor outcome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32 (6), 2577-2582.
Tsimaras V., Arzoglou, D., Fotiadou, E., Kokaridas, D., Kotzamanidou, M., Angelopoulou, N., & Bassa, E. (2011). Gross motor ability of native Greek, Roma, and Roma immigrant school-age children in Greece. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 112 (1), 279-88.
Patsiaouras, A., Moustakidis, A., Charitonidis, K., & Kokaridas, D. (2011). Technical Skills Leading in Winning or Losing Volleyball Matches During Beijing Olympic Games. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 11/2, 39 - 42.
Γοροζίδης, Γ., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2011). Η σημασία του αυτοκαθορισμού των εκπαιδευτικών στα προγράμματα επιμόρφωσής τους: Η περίπτωση των εκπαιδευτικών Φυσικής Αγωγής. Επιθεώρηση εκπαιδευτικών θεμάτων, 16, 273-298.
Γρηγορίου, Σ., Χρόνη, Σ., Χατζηγεωργιάδης, Α., Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., & Θεοδωράκης, Γ. (2011). Στάσεις Ελλήνων φοιτητών & φοιτητριών προς την ισότητα των δυο φύλων. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 9(1), 14-23.
Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., Τζιαμούρτας, Α., Στάβερη, Έ., Χατζηγεωργιάδης, A., & Θεοδωράκης, Γ. (2011). Η φυσική άσκηση ως συμπληρωματική στρατηγική για την αντιμετώπιση της κατάχρησης αλκοόλ. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 8, 123-145. [Physical exercise as strategy in alcohol abuse treatment].
Μπουγιέση, Μ., Ζήση Β., Γρηγορίου, Σ., & Πολλάτου, Μ. (2011). Διαφοροποίηση Παραγόντων της Ποιότητας Ζωής Μέσα Από Συστηματική Συμμέτοχη σε Ελληνικό Παραδοσιακό Χορό σε Νεαρούς Ενήλικες και Μεσήλικες. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 9, 131 -140.
Τσατσάκος, Γ., Μιχαλοπούλου, Μ., Αγγελούσης, Ν., & Ζήση, Β. (2011). Φυσική δραστηριότητα ατόμων ηλικίας 65-85 ετών: καταγραφή δεδομένων μέσω του βηματόμετρου και του ερωτηματολογίου αυτοαναφοράς PASE. Θέματα Φυσικοθεραπείας, 7(1), 11-20.
Χρόνη, Σ., Κοσκερίδου, Μ., Χασάνδρα, Μ., Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., Γούδας, Μ., & Θεοδωράκης Γ. (2011). Απόψεις και γνώσεις σε θέματα φύλου και ισότητας και διδασκαλία της σχολικής φυσικής αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 9(1), 1-13.
Dimitriou, E., Goudas, M. & Theodorakis, Y. (2010). The effects of a tobacco smoking prevention programme for secondary school students. European Journal of Physical & Health Education, 4, 73-80.
Giannitsopoulou, E., Kosmidou, E., & Zisi, V. (2010). Examination of parental involvement in Greek female athletes. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 5(2), 176-187.
Hassandra, M., Kofou, G., Goudas, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2010). The views of physical education teachers on socio-moral education. International Journal of Physical Education, 3, 33-39.
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2010). Self-regulated learning of a motor skill through emulation and self-control levels in a physical education setting. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22, 198-212.doi:10.1080/10413201003664681
Kouli, O., Bebetsos, E., Kamperis, I., & Papaioannou, A. (2010). The relationship between emotions and confidence among Greek athletes from different competitive sports. Kinesiology, 42, 117-220.
Michalopoulou, M., Zisi, V., Aggeloussis, N., Makavelou, P., & Tsatsakos, G. (2010). Pedometer determined physical activity of older adults in Greece. Age and sex effects. International Journal of Health Science, 3, 349-353.
Pollatou, E., Bakali, N., Theodorakis, Y., Goudas, M. (2010). Body image in female professional and amateur dancers. Research in Dance Education, 11, 2, 131 — 137.
Woodman, T., Zourbanos, N., Hardy, L., Beattie, S., McQuillan, A. (2010). Do performance strategies moderate the relationship between personality and training behaviors? An exploratory study. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22, 183-197. [IF: 1.30]
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Tsiakaras, N., Chroni, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2010). A multi-method examination of the relationship between coaching behavior and athletes’ inherent self-talk. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32,764-785.
Tsimaras, V., Kiriazis, D., Fotiadou, E., Kokaridas, D., Christoulas, K., & Angelopoulou, - Sakadami, N. (2010). The Effect of a Traditional Dance Training Program on the Physical Fitness of Adults with Hearing Loss. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (4), 1052 - 1058.
Patsiaouras, A., Moustakidis, A., Charitonidis, K., & Kokaridas, D. (2010). Volley ball technical skills as winning and qualification factors during Olympic Games 2008. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 10/2,115-120.
Λιάκου, Ε., Διγγελίδης, Ν., Χατζηγεωργιάδης, Α. & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2010). Αυτοαντίληψη, Στόχοι Επίτευξης, Εκφοβισμός και Συστηματική Θυματοποίηση (bullying) στη Φυσική Αγωγή. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 8 (1), 1 – 13.
Κολοβελώνης, Α., Γούδας, Μ., Δημητρίου, Ε. & Χασάνδρα, Μ. (2010). Ποιοτική αξιολόγηση ενός προγράμματος διδασκαλίας δεξιοτήτων ζωής στη φυσική αγωγή. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 8, 107-118.
Γούδας, Μ., Κολοβελώνης, Α.,Νικητοπούλου, Χ., Χασάνδρα, Μ., & Γεροδήμος, Β. (2010). Αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας του διδακτικού αντικειμένου «φυσική κατάσταση» του βιβλίου φυσικής αγωγής για την Α΄ γυμνασίου. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 8, 28-42.
Tομπούλογλου, Ι., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2010). Παράγοντες καθορισμού της εσωτερικής παρακίνησης στο μάθημα της Φυσικής Αγωγής. Μέντορας, 152-167.
Agdiniotis, I., Pollatou, E., Zisi, V., Gerodimos, V., Karadimou, K., & Yiagoudaki, F. (2009). Relationship between rhythmic ability and type of motor activities in preschool children. European Psychomotricity Journal, 2(1), 24-34.
Goudas, M., Magotsiou, E., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2009). Psychometric Properties of the Greek Version of the Feelings Toward Group Work Questionnaire. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, 204-210.
Goudas, M., Magotsiou, E., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2009). Self- and peer-assessment of social competence. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 94-96.
Hassandra, M., Theodorakis, Y., Kosmidou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2009). I do not smoke – I exercise: A pilot study of a new educational resource for secondary education students. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 37, 372-379.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., Mpoumpaki, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2009). Mechanisms underlying the self-talk – performance relationship: The effects of motivational self-talk on self-confidence and anxiety. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 10, 186-192.
Kouli, O., & Papaioannou, A. (2009). Ethnic/cultural identity salience, achievement goals and motivational climate in multicultural physical education classes. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 10, 45-51.
Zisi, V., Giannitsopoulou, E., Vassiliadou, O., Pollatou, E. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2009). Performance level, abilities and psychological characteristics in young junior rhythmic gymnasts: the role of sport experience. International Quarterly of Sport Science, 4, 1-13. 1_Zisi%20et%20al_IQSS_2009_4.pdf
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Chroni, S., Theodorakis, Y., & Papaioannou, A. (2009). Automatic Self-Talk Questionnaire for Sports (ASTQS): Development and preliminary validation of a measure identifying the structure of athletesʼ self-talk. The Sport Psychologist, 23, 233-251.
Αμπατζόγλου, Γ., Καλογιάννης, Π., Σάγκοβιτς, Α., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2009). Η Επίδραση του Καθηγητή Φυσικής Αγωγής, της Μητέρας και του Καλύτερου Φίλου στη Διαμόρφωση των Στόχων Επίτευξης, της Ικανοποίησης στη Φυσική Αγωγή και της Συμμετοχής στην Άσκηση Μαθητών και Μαθητριών που δεν είναι Αθλητές. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (3), 265 – 278.
Γιάννης Τζιουμάκης, Μαρία Μιχαλοπούλου, Νίκος Αγγελούσης, Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου, & Τριαντάφυλλος Χριστοδουλίδης (2009). Αξιολόγηση της Συμπεριφοράς Προπονητών Αναπτυξιακών Ηλικιών μέσω Συστηματικής Παρατήρησης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (3), 344 – 354.
Γιαννούδης, Γ., Διγγελίδης, Ν., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2009). Το κλίμα παρακίνησης και η αντιλαμβανόμενη συμπεριφορά του καθηγητή Φυσικής Αγωγής προς τους πειθαρχημένους και απείθαρχους μαθητές. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (1), 10 – 21.
Γραμμάτικα, Σ., Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., & Καραγιάννη, Ο. (2009). Προκαταρκτική μελέτη στις λειτουργίες του αυτοδιαλόγου σε αθλητές και αθλήτριες αντισφαίρισης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 6(3), 348-356. [A preliminary study on the functions of self-talk in tennis’ athletes. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 6(3), 348-356].
Ζήση, B., Μπούρα, Σ., Πολλάτου, Ε., Γιαννιτσοπούλου, Ε., & Κιουμουρτζόγλου, Ε. (2009). Κατασκευή ερωτηματολογίου καταγραφής γνώσεων για το άθλημα της Ρυθμικής Γυμναστικής σε μαθητές και μαθήτριες της Δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό,7(2), 114-129.
Ζήση, Β., Μάστορη, Δ., Μεγαλογένη, Ι., & Κωφού, Γ. (2009). Συνήθειες άσκησης και ποιότητα ζωής ηλικιωμένων σε ελληνικές επαρχιακές πόλεις. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό,7(3), 297-306
Καγιώργη, Ε., Ζουρμπάνος, Ν., Σταύρου, Β., & Χατζηγεωργιάδης A. (2009). Τι Σκέφτονται οι Κολυμβητές στον Αγώνα; Μία Προκαταρκτική Μελέτη για το Περιεχόμενο και τη Συχνότητα της Αυτο-ομιλίας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 6(3), 357-362. [Preliminary Approach of the Underlying Structure of Swimmers’ Self-Talk in Competition. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 6(3), 357-362].
Καπρίνης, Στυλιανός, Διγγελίδης, Νοκόλαος, & Παπαϊωάννου Αθανάσιος (2009). Διαθεματικότητα στη Φυσική Αγωγή: Παρακίνηση και ακαδημαϊκές επιδόσεις στα μαθηματικά. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (2), 90 – 102.
Κοσμίδου, Ε., Ιωαννίδης, Δ.Θ., Λύσσα, Β., Ζήση, Β., & Θεοδωράκης, Ι. (2009). Άσκηση και κατανάλωση αλκοόλ νέων ενηλίκων: Ο ρόλος της αυτό-ταυτότητας και της προηγούμενης συμπεριφοράς στη θεωρία σχεδιασμένης συμπεριφοράς. Φυσική Αγωγή και Αθλητισμός, 29(3), 272-287.
Μίζιος, Δ. Διγγελίδης, Ν., Γούδας, Μ., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2009). H Επίδραση των Μεθόδων Αμοιβαίας Διδασκαλίας και Αυτοελέγχου στην Παρακίνηση και την Ικανοποίηση από το Μάθημα της Φυσικής Αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (3), 254 – 264.
Παυλίδου, Ε., Μερτζανίδου, Ο., & Ζήση, Β. (2009). Αξιολόγηση της ικανότητας αναπαραγωγής και διατήρησης του ρυθμού σε αθλήτριες Ρυθμικής Γυμναστικής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό,7(2), 203 – 209.
Χάνου, Κ., Γεροδήμος, Β., Καρατράντου, Ν., Ζήση, Β., Τζιαμούρτας, Α., Τσιόκανος, Α., & Κρίκη, Θ. (2009). Ολόσωμη Δόνηση και Άσκηση. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό,7(1), 39-56.
Goudas, M., Hassandra, M., Kofou, G., & Theodorakis, Y. (2008). Greek physical education teacher views about sociomoral education. International Journal of Physical Education.
Harbalis, T., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2008). Self-talk in wheelchaair basketball: The effects of an intyervention program on dribbling and passing performance International Journal of Special Education 23, 63-70.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Biddle, S.J.H. (2008). Negative self-talk during sport performance: Relationships with pre-competition anxiety and goal-performance discrepancies. Journal of Sport Behavior,31, 237-253.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., Goltsios, C., & Theodorakis, Y. (2008). Investigating the functions of self-talk: The effects of motivational self-talk on self-efficacy and performance in young tennis players. The Sport Psychologist, 22, 1-15.
Kamtsios S. & Digelidis N. (2008). Physical activity levels, exercise attitudes, self-perceptions and BMI type of 11 to 12-year-old children. Journal of Child Health Care, 12, 232-240.
Kosmidou E., Theodorakis, Y. & Chroni, A. (2008). Smoking Attitudes among Adolescents: Effect of Messages Varying on Argument Quality and Source’s Expertise.” Journal of Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, 2,83-95.
Lee, M.J., Whitehead, J., Ntoumanis, N., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2008). Relationships among values, achievement orientations, and attitudes in youth sport. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, 588-610.
Papaioannou, A., Ampatzoglou,G., Kalogiannis, P., & Sagovits, A. (2008). Social agents, achievement goals, satisfaction and academic achievement in youth sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9, 122-141.
Papaioannou, A.G. & Siskos, B.N. (2008). Changes in achievement goals and self-concept in the early days of junior high school. Psychological Reports, 103, 745-763.
Patmanoglou S., Mantis G., Digelidis N. Tsigilis N. & Papapetrou L. (2008). The command and self-check styles for more effective teaching of tennis at the elementary school. International Journal of Physical Education, 45(1), 26-32.
Pollatou, E., Gerodimos, V., Zisi, V., Zervanou, D., & Karadimou, K. (2008). Spatial orientation ability in boys and girls toddlers. Scientific Journal of Orienteering, 18, 40 – 46.
Theodorakis, Y., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., &. Chroni, S. (2008). Self-Talk: It works, but how? Development and preliminary validation of the Functions of Self-Talk Questionnaire. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 12, 10-30.
Theodosiou, A., Mantis, K., & Papaioannou, A. (2008). Student self-reports of metacognitive activity in physical education classes. Age-group differences and the effect of goal orientations and perceived motivational climate. Educational Research and Review, 3(12), pp. 353-364.
Σίμου Θ., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2008). Η σχέση ανάμεσα στους προσανατολισμούς στόχων των μαθητών και μαθητριών στο μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής και στα συναισθήματά τους στη φυσική αγωγή και στη ζωή γενικότερα. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 6(1), 14 – 24.
Μπενέτου, Αι., Κωφού, Γ., Ζήση, Β., & Θεοδωράκης, Ι. (2008). Η Σχέση του σωματικού βάρους, του βαθμού ενασχόλησης με την άσκηση και της σωματικής κάθεξης, με την εικόνα του σώματος σε κορίτσια ηλικίας 15-25 ετών. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 6 (1), 47-55.
Chroni, S., Perkos, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2007). Function and Preferences of Motivational and Instructional Self-Talk for Adolescent Basketball Players. Athletic Insight, 9 (1).
Hassandra, M., Goudas, M., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2007). A fair play intervention program in school Olympic education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 22, 99-114.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Chroni, S. (2007). Pre-competition anxiety and in-competition coping in experienced male swimmers. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 2, 181-189.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Zourbanos, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2007). The moderating effects of self-talk content on self-talk functions. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 240-251
Kalogiannis, P., & Papaioannou, A. (2007). Development of a Scale assessing students’ Appearance Anxiety in Physical Education. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 105, 1075-1086
Katartzi, Ε., Theodorakis, Υ., & Tzetzis, G. (2007). Effects of goal setting and self efficacy on wheelchair basketball performance. Japanese Journal of Adapted Physical activity, 5, 50-62.
Papaioannou, A., & Christodoulidis, T. (2007). A measure of teachers’ achievement goals. Educational Psychology, 27(3), 349-361.
Papaioannou, A., Milosis, D., Kosmidou, E., Tsigilis, N. (2007). Motivational climate and achievement goals at the situational level of generality. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 38-66.
Papaioannou, A., Tsigilis N., Kosmidou E., & Milosis D. (2007). Measuring perceived motivational climate in physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 26, 236-259.
Stamou, Ε., Theodorakis, Υ., Kokaridas, D., Perkos, S., & Kessanopoulou, M. (2007) The effect of self-talk on the penalty execution in Goalball. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 25, 233-248.
Tsigilis, N., Koustelios A & Theodorakis, Y., (2007). The Role of Knowledge and Information in Predicting Exercise Participation: An Extension of Planned Behavior Model. International Journal of Physical Education, XLIV, 143-153.
Zourbanos, N., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2007). A preliminary investigation of the relationship between athletes’ self-talk, and coaches’ behaviour and statements. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 2, 57-66.
Κosmidou, Ε. & Τheodorakis, Υ (2007). Examining differences in smoking attitudes between adolescents and young adults. PsychologicalReports, 101, 475-481.
Γουρζή, Μ., Φιλίππου, Κ., Καγιώργη, Ε., & Ζουρμπάνος , Ν. (2007). Η σχέση του προ-αγωνιστικού άγχους με τον αυτοδιάλογο κολυμβητών/τριών κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 5(1), ¬173-178. [The relationship between competitive state anxiety and self-talk during performance in swimmers, Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 5(1), ¬173-178].
Δημητρίου, Ε., Κολοβελώνης, Α., Γούδας, Μ., & Γεροδήμος, Β. (2007). Η επίδραση ενός προγράμματος ανάπτυξης δεξιοτήτων ζωής στην αυτοαποτελεσματικότητα μαθητών/τριών Α΄ γυμνάσιου. Άθληση και Κοινωνία, 45, 68-75.
Εριφύλη Διαμαντοπούλου, & Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου (2007). Διαφορές ως προς τη Φυσική Δραστηριότητα, τις Στρατηγικές Αντιμετώπισης Στρες και της Κατάθλιψης σε Παιδιά με Χρόνιο Νόσημα. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 5 (2), 215 – 225.
Κολοβελώνης, Α., Γούδας, Μ., Δημητρίου, Ε., & Γεροδήμος, Β. (2006). Η επίδραση ενός προγράμματος διδασκαλίας δεξιοτήτων ζωής στον αυτοκαθορισμό των μαθητών. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 4, 379-389.
Σίσκος, Β., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2007). Μεταβολές στην αυτοεκτίμηση των μαθητών, λόγω της μετάβασης από το Δημοτικό στο Γυμνάσιο. Μέντορας, 155-170.
Χρήστος Γκοτζαρίδης, Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου, Παναγιώτης Αντωνίου, & Ευάγγελος Αλμπανίδης (2007). Επίδραση ενός Διαθεματικού Προγράμματος στην Παρακίνηση Μαθητών της Α΄ Τάξης Γυμνασίου στο Μάθημα της Φυσικής Αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, 5(1), 52 – 62.
Κυριαζή, X., Μιχαλοπούλου, M., Ζήση, B., Θεοδωράκης, I., & Κιουμουρτζόγλου, E. (2007). Αξιολόγηση της λειτουργικής ικανότητας σε άτομα τρίτης ηλικίας με τη χρήση ερωτηματολογίου και με την εφαρμογή δοκιμασιών πεδίου. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 5 (2), 264-272.
Bekiari S., Digelidis N., Sakallariou K. (2006). Perceived verbal aggressiveness of coaches’ in volleyball and basketball: A preliminary study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 103, 526-530.
Chroni, S., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., &. Theodorakis, Y. (2006). On site coping in novice climbers as a function of hardiness and self-efficacy. Annals of Leisure Research, 19, 139-154.
Digelidis N. Della, V., & Papaioannou, A. (2006). Students’ exercise frequency, perceived athletic ability, perceived physical attractiveness, goal orientations and perceived motivational climate in physical education classes. Italian Journal of Sport Science, 12, 155-159.
Goudas, M., Kontou, M., & Theodorakis, Y. (2006). Validity and reliability of the Greek version of the Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS) for athletes with disabilities. Japanese Journal of Adapted Sport Science, 4, 29-36.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2006). Approach and avoidance coping during task performance in young men: The role of goal attainment expectancies. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24,299-307.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2006). Instructional and motivational self-talk: An investigation on perceived self-talk functions. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 164-175.
Kyriazi, Ch., Michalopoulou, M., Zisi, V., Theodrakis, I. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2006). Relation Between Self- Administrered and Objective measures of physical function in Greek Older Adults. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 13, 57- 61.
Marsh, H.W., Papaioannou, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2006). Causal Ordering of Physical Self-concept and Exercise Behavior: Reciprocal Effects Model and the Influence of Physical Education Teachers. Health Psychology, 25(3), 316-328.
Marsh, H.W., Papaioannou, A., Martin, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2006). Motivational Constructs in Greek Physical Education Classes: Gender and Age Effects in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Sample. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 4, 121-148.
Metsios G., Flouris, A., Koutedakis, Y., Theodorakis, Y. (2006). The effect of performance feedback on cardiorespiratory fitness field tests. Journal of Science Medicine and Sport, 9(3), 263-266.
Papaioannou, A. (2006). Muslim and Christian students’ goal orientations in school, sport, and life. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, 250-282.
Papaioannou, A., Bebetsos, E., Theodorakis, Y., Christodoulidis, T., Kouli, O. (2006). Causal relationships of sport and exercise involvement with goal orientations, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in physical education: A longitudinal study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, 367-382.
Theodorakis, Y., & Goudas, M. (2006). Introduction. Special Issue. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 97-104.
Theodosiou, A., Papaioannou, A. (2006). Motivational climate, achievement goals and metacognitive activity in physical education and exercise involvement in out-of-school setting. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7, 361-379.
Tsigilis, N., Koustelios, A., Grammatikopoulos, V., & Theodorakis, Y. (2006). Volunteering in Olympic Games: construct validity and predictive utility of reasoned action and planned behavior theory. International Journal of Sport Management, 7, 123-139.
Wang, C.K.J., Papaioannou, A.G., Sarazin, P.P.G., Jaakkola, T., Solmon, M.A. (2006). A Brief Description of Physical Education and School Children’s Sport Involvement in Singapore, Greece, France, Finland, and the United States. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 4, 220-226.
Zisi, V., Theodorakis, Y., Skondras, G., & Natsis, P. (2006). The relation of balance performance with physical activity in elderly fallers and non-fallers. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 13, 111-114.
Zourbanos, N., Theodorakis, Y., & Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2006). Coaches’ behaviour, social support and athletes’ self-talk. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 117-133.
Παπαϊωάννου, Α. Μπεμπέτσος Ε., Καφετζή Σ. & Σάγκοβιτς Α. (2006). Προκαταρκτική μελέτη της εγκυρότητας ερωτηματολογίου, με βάση το μοντέλο των σταδίων αλλαγής ως προς την άσκηση - φυσική δραστηριότητα. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και στον Αθλητισμό, 4(1), 78-86.
Nίκος Διγγελίδης, Άννα Μπογιατζή, Αντώνης Χατζηγεωργιάδης, & Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου (2006). Επιθετικότητα, Προσωπικοί Προσανατολισμοί και Εσωτερική-Εξωτερική Παρακίνηση των Μαθητών στο Μάθημα της Φυσικής Αγωγής. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό τόμος 4 (1), 57 – 67.
Αργύρης Θεοδοσίου & Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου (2006). Μεταγνώση και Προσωπικοί Προσανατολισμοί. Ο Ρόλος τους στην Αυτο-ρύθμιση της Μάθησης στη Φυσική Αγωγή. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 4 (2), 148 – 167.
Όλγα Κούλη & Αθανάσιος Παπαϊωάννου (2006). Διαπολιτισμική Προσέγγιση στη Φυσική Αγωγή. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 4 (2), 168 – 181.
Τομπούλογλου, Ι., & Παπαϊωάννου Α. (2006). Οι προσανατολισμοί των στόχων επίτευξης στο μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής. Επιθεώρηση εκπαιδευτικών θεμάτων, 11, 87-99.
Μιχαλοπούλου, Μ., Αγγελούσης, Ν., Ζήση, Β., Βεντούρη, Μ., Κουρτέσης, Θ. & Μάλλιου, Π. (2006). Φυσική Δραστηριότητα Ατόμων 60 – 90 Ετών στην Ελλάδα: Επιδράσεις Ηλικίας και Φύλου. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 4 (1), 87 - 96.
Digelidis, N., Della V., & Papaioannou, A., (2005). Students’ Exercise Frequency, Self-Perceptions, Goal Orientations and Perceived Motivational Climate in Physical Education Lesson. Italian Journal of Sport Sciences, 12, 155-159.
Grammatikopoulos, V., Hassandra, M., Koustelios, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2005). Evaluating the Olympic Education Program: A qualitative approach. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 31, 3437-357.
Grammatikopoulos, V., Tsigilis, N., Koustelios, A.., & Theodorakis, Y. (2005). Evaluating the implementation of an Olympic education program in Greece. International Review of Education, 51, 427-438.
Papacharisis, V., Goudas, M., Danish, S., & Theodorakis, Y . (2005).The Effectiveness of Teaching a Life Skills Program in a Sport Context. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 17, 247-254.
Siskos, A., Antoniou, A., Papaioannou, A., & Laparidis, K. (2005). Effects of multimedia computer-assisted instruction (MCAI) on academic achievement in physical education of Greek primary students. Interactive Educational Multimedia, 10, 61-77.
Theodorakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Papadimitriou, E. (2005). Patterns of health-related behaviours among Hellenic students. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 225-242.
Theodorakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Papadimitriou, E. (2005). Children’s profile of healthy and unhealthy behaviors: Demographic characteristics and perceptions of social environment. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 2, 225-242.
Διγγελίδης N., Κοτσάκη Z., & Παπαϊωάννου Α. (2005). Διαφορές μεταξύ Μαθητών Τμημάτων Αθλητικής Διευκόλυνσης Γυμνασίου και Λυκείου ως προς την Εσωτερική-Εξωτερική Παρακίνηση, τους Προσωπικούς Προσανατολισμούς, την Αντίληψη Αθλητικής Ικανότητας και το Κλίμα Παρακίνησης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 3 (1), 77 – 89
Μυλώσης, Δ. & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2005). Ανάπτυξη ατομικής και κοινωνικής υπευθυνότητας στη φυσική αγωγή: αποτελέσματα παρέμβασης με βάση το πολυδιάστατο μοντέλο των προσανατολισμών στόχων. Φυσική Αγωγή & Αθλητισμός, 56, 18-38.
Μυλώσης, Δ. & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2005). Επιδράσεις εξάμηνης παρέμβασης στο μάθημα ΦΑ με βάση το πολυδιάστατο μοντέλο, στην αντιλαμβανόμενη έμφαση του καθηγητή ΔΑ σε στόχους και στην αυτοαντίληψη των μαθητών. Αθλητική Ψυχολογία, 16, 3-24.
Χρόνη, Σ., Τζάνη, Κ., & Ζουρμπάνος, Ν. (2005). Το γνωστικό παιχνίδι νεαρών αθλητών και αθλητριών τένις: Δεξιότητες που αναπτύσσονται μέσα από την εμπειρία. Αθλητική Ψυχολογία, 16, 25-44. [The cognitive game of young male and female tennis players: Skills that develop through experience, Athlitiki Psychologia, 16, 25-44].
Ballon, F., Papaioannou, A., Theodorakis, Y., & Van den Auweele, Y. (2004). Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 98, 89-99.
Grammatikopoulos, V., Koustelios, A., Tsigilis, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). Applying dynamic evaluation approach in education. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 30(4), 255-263.
Grammatikopoulos, V., Papacharisis, V., Koustelios, A., Tsigilis, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). Evaluation of the training program for Greek Olympic education. The International Journal of Educational Management, 18(1), 66-73.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Theodorakis, Y., & Zourbanos, N. (2004). Self-talk in the swimming pool: The effects of self-talk on thought content and performance on water-polo tasks. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16, 138-150.
Marsh, H.W., Papaioannou, A., Martin, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). Motivational constructs in Greek physical education classes: Gender, age, and stability effects in a nationally representative longitudinal sample. SELF Research Centre, University of Western Sydney.
Michalopoulos, M., Zisi, V., Malliou, P. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2004). Habitual activity & motor function in a rurban Greek elderly population. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 46, 519-530.
Papaioannou, A., Ballon, F., Theodorakis, Y., & Vanden Auweele (2004). Combined effect of goal setting and self-talk in performance of a soccer-shooting task. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 98, 89-99.
Papaioannou, A., Karastogiannidou, C., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). Sport involvement, sport violence and health behaviours of Greek adolescents. European Journal of Public Health. 14, 168-172.
Papaioannou, A., Marsh, H., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). A multilevel approach to motivational climate in physical education and sport settings: An individual or group level construct? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 26, 90-118.
Theodorakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., & Karastogianidou, K. (2004) Relations between family structure and students' health-related attitudes and behaviors. Psychological Reports, 95, 851-858
Vassiliadou, O., Derri, V., Zisi, V., Goudas, M. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2004). Qualitative aspects of teaching and manipulative skill enhancement: is there any relationship? Journal of Human Movement Studies, 46, 259 – 273.
Ακριτίδου, Α., Τσούγκου, Ε., Βεντούρη, Σ., & Ζήση, Β. (2004). Η Άσκηση σαν Μέσο Αντιμετώπισης της Παιδικής και Εφηβικής Ιδιοπαθούς Σκολίωσης: Πρακτικές Εφαρμογές. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 2 (2), 138 - 147.
Διγγελίδης, Ν., & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (2004). Αναπτυξιακές διαφορές ως προς την προσπάθεια, τη διασκέδαση, τους στόχους επίτευξης, την αντίληψη κλίματος παρακίνησης και την αντίληψη εαυτού στο μάθημα της φυσικής αγωγής: Μια διαχρονική μελέτη τριών ετών. Αθλητική Ψυχολογία, 15, 3-16.
Ζήση, Β., Βεντούρη, Σ., & Τσούγκου, Ε. (2004). Φυσική δραστηριότητα και ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών σε ηλικιωμένες γυναίκες: Ο ρόλος της συστηματικής άσκησης. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 2 (2), 110 - 118.
Bebetsos, E., Papaioannou, A., Theodorakis, Y. (2003). University students’ attitudes and behaviours towards smoking and exercise. European Journal of Physical Education, 8, 29-51.
Digelidis, N., Papaioannou, A., Christodoulidis, T., & Laparidis, K. (2003). A one-year intervention in 7th grade physical education classes aiming to change motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 3, 195-210.
Giannitsopoulou, E., Zisi, V. & Kioumoutzoglou, E. (2003). Elite performance in rhythmic gymnastics: Do the changes in code of points affect the role of abilities? Journal of Human Movement Studies, 45, 327-346.
Lapariidis, K., Papaioannou, A., Vretakou, V., & Morou, P. (2003). Motivational climate, beliefs about the causes of success, and sportspersonship behaviors of professional basketball players. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 96, 1141-1151.
Malliou, P. Fatouros I., Beneka , A. Gioftsidou A., Zissi V., Godolias G., Fotinakis P. (2003). Different training programs for improving muscular performance in healthy inactive elderly. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 11, 189-195.
Michalopoulou, M., Kiriazi, C., Malliou, P., Beneka, A., & Zisi, V. (2003). Functional Performance in Older Greek Adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35(5), S131.
Tenenbaum, G., Lidor, R. Papaioannou, A., & Samulski, D. (2003). ISSP position stand: Competencies (occupational standards, knowledge, and practice) and their accomplishment (Learning specification, essential knowledge and skills) in sport and exercise psychology. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 155-166.
Theodorakis, Y., Natsis, P., Papaioannou, A., Goudas, M. (2003). Greek students' attitudes toward physical activity and health-related behavior. Psychological Reports, 92: 275-83.
Zisi, V., Deri, V. & Hatzitaki, V. (2003). The role of perceptual and motor abilities in instep kicking performance of young soccer players. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 96, 625-636.
Γιαννιτσοπούλου Ε., Ζήση Β., Λίνα Μ., & Κιουμουρτζόγλου Ε. (2003). Διαφορές στην εμφάνιση αντιληπτικο-κινητικών και γνωστικών ικανοτήτων σε αθλήτριες Ρυθμικής Αγωνιστικής Γυμναστικής ηλικίας 9 – 12 ετών. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία, 5, 5-17.
Γιαννιτσοπούλου, Ε., Ζήση, Β., Οικονομίκου, Α., & Μίχου, Τ. (2003). Η επίδραση της ηλικίας σε αντιληπτικές και κινητικές ικανότητες αθλητριών Ρυθμικής αγωνιστικής γυμναστικής ηλικίας 11 ετών και άνω. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 1 (1), 49-57.
Ζήση, Β., Γκικούδη, Μ., & Κιουμουρτζόγλου, Ε. (2003). Φυσική δραστηριότητα και γνωστική λειτουργία σε άτομα τρίτης ηλικίας. Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή και τον Αθλητισμό, 1 (1), 80 - 91.
Bebetsos, E., Chroni, S., & Theodorakis, Y. (2002). Physical active students’ intentions and self-efficacy towards healthy eating. Psychological Reports, 91, 485-495.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A. (2002). Thoughts of escape during competition: The role of goal orientation and self-consciousness. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 3, 195-207.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Biddle, S.J.H. (2002). Cognitive interference during competition among athletes with different goal orientation profiles. Journal of Sports Sciences, 20, 707-715.
Hatzitaki, V., Zisi, V., Kollias, I. & Kioumourtzoglou, Ε. (2002). Perceptual-Motor Contributions to Static and Dynamic Balance Control in Children. Journal of Motor Behavior, 34, 161-170.
Papaioannou, A., Milosis, D., Kosmidou, E., & Tsiggilis, N. (2002). Multidimensional structure of goal orientations: The importance of adopting a personal development goal in physical education. Psychology (TheHellenicJournalofPsychology), 494-513.
Perkos, S., Theodorakis, Y., & Chroni, S. (2002). Enhancing Performance and Skill acquisition in Novice Basketball Players with Instructional Self-Talk. The Sport Psychologist, 16, 368-383.
Theodorakis, Y., Natsis, P., Papaioannou, A. (2002). Correlation between exercise and other health related behaviors in Greek students. International Journal of Physical Education, 39, 30-34.
Tzetzis, G., Goudas, M., Kourtessis, Th. & Zisi V. (2002). The relation of goal orientation to physical activity in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 8, 177-188.
Ζήση, Β., Κιουμουρτζόγλου, Ε., Γρούϊος, Γ., & Τσορμπατζούδης, Χ. (2002). Η επίδραση της ηλικίας και του επιπέδου φυσικής δραστηριότητας στην ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας πληροφοριών σε άτομα ηλικίας 60-75 ετών. Φυσική Δραστηριότητα και Ποιότητα ζωής – Ηλεκτρονικό Περιοδικό, 3, 18-29.
Biddle, S., Duda, J.L., Papaioannou, A., & Harwood, C. (2001). Physical Education, Positivism, and Optimistic Claims from Achievement Goal Theorists: A response to Pringle (2000). Quest, 53, 457-470.
Christodoulidis, T., Papaioannou, A., Digelidis, N. (2001). Motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise in Greek senior high school: A year-long intervention. European Journal of Sport Science, 1, 1-12.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Biddle, S.J.H. (2001). Athletes' perceptions of how cognitive interference during competition influences concentration and effort. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 14, 411-429.
Theodorakis, Y., Croni, A. Laparidis, C., Bebetsos, E. Douma, E (2001). Self-talk in a basketball shooting task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 92, 309-315
Zisi, V., Michalopoulou, M., Tzetzis, G. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2001). Effects of a short-term exercise program on motor function and whole body reaction time in the elderly. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 40, 145 – 160.
Deri, V., Zisi, V., & Pachta, M. (2001). Development of manipulative skills by children in primary grades. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 40, 377 –390.
Christodoulidis T., Papaioannou A., & Digelidis N. (2001). Motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise in Greek senior high school: Α year-long intervention. European Journal of Sport Science 1, 2-11.
Διγγελίδης, Ν., Παπαϊωάννου, Α., Λαπαρίδης, Κ., Χριστοδουλίδης, Τ. (2001). Ανάπτυξη θετικών στάσεων σε θέματα άσκησης και υγείας σε θέματα φυσικής αγωγής στο γυμνάσιο. Αθλητική Απόδοση και υγεία, 3(2), 228-251
Χρόνη, Σ. & Ζουρμπάνος, Ν. (2001).Ψυχολογικά οφέλη από συμμετοχή σε υπαίθριες δραστηριότητες αναψυχής. Φυσική Δραστηριότητα και Ποιότητα, Ειδικό τεύχος. Διοίκηση δραστηριοτήτων αναψυχής. 1-6. [Psychological benefits from the participation in recreational activities. Physical activity and quality, Special Issue: Recreational Management, 1-6].
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Biddle, S.J.H. (2000). Assessing cognitive interference in sport: Development of the Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for Sport. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 13, 65-86
Theodorakis, Y., Weinberg, R., Natsis, P., Douma, E., & Kazakas, P. (2000). The effects of motivational versus instructional self-talk on improving motor performance. The Sport Psychologist, 14, 253-272.
Diggelidis, N. & Papaioannou, A. (1999). Age-group differences in intrinsic motivation, goal orientations and perceptions of athletic competence, physical appearance and motivational climate in Greek physical education. ScandinavianJournalofMedicineandScienceinSports, 9, 375-380.
Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Biddle, S.J.H. (1999). The effects of goal orientation and perceived competence on cognitive interference during tennis and snooker performance. Journal of Sport Behavior, 22, 479-501.
Papaioannou, A., & Kouli, O. (1999). The effect of task structure, perceived motivational climate and goal orientations on students’ intrinsic motivation and anxiety. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 11, 51-71.
Papaioannou, A., Karastogiannidou, K., Theodorakis, Y., Theodosiou, A., Natsis, P., Kouli, O. Perkos, S. & Mouzakidis, C. (1999). Goal perspectives, perceived motivational climate, life satisfaction and health-related attitudes and behaviors of Greek students. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 11.
Δέρρη, Β., Γκουβατζή, Α., Βασιλειάδου, Ο. & Ζήση, Β. (1999). Η επίδραση της ηλικίας και του φύλου στις κινητικές ικανότητες παιδιών 6-9 ετών. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία, 4, 347 - 358.
Ζήση, Β., Ντελή, Ε. & Θεοδωράκης, Ι. (1999). Άσκηση και ψυχική υγεία στην τρίτη ηλικία. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία, 1, 183-199.
Μιχαλοπούλου, Μ., Μάλλιου, Π., Ζήση, Β. & Γκοδόλιας, Γ. (1999). Η επίδραση από την άσκηση ατόμων τρίτης ηλικίας σε παραμέτρους μυϊκής δύναμης και ευλυγισίας. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία, 1, 129-139.
Παπαϊωάννου, Α. & Βουδαλικάκης, Η. (1999). Αντιλήψεις ορθοδόξων χριστιανών και μουσουλμάνων μαθητών για την αξία της επιτυχίας στο σχολείο στον αθλητισμό και στη ζωή. Αθλητική Απόδοση και Υγεία, 1, 58-76.
Goudas, M., Theodorakis, Y., & Karamousalidis, G. (1998). Psychological skills in basketball: Preliminary study for development of a Greek form of the Athletic Coping Skills inventory-28. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 59-65.
Kioumourtzoglou, E., Derri, B., Tzetzis, G., & Theodorakis, Y. (1998). Cognitive, perceptual, and motor abilities in skilled basketball performance. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 86, 771-786.
Malliou, P., Beneca, A., Aggelousis, N., & Theodorakis, Y. (1998). Goal setting: An efficient way to maximise isokinetic performance. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 7, 11-17.
Papaioannou, A. (1998). Students’ perceptions of the physical education class environment for boys and girls in Greece and the perceived motivational climate. Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport, 69, 267-75.
Papaioannou, A. (1998). Goal perspectives, reasons for being disciplined and self-reported discipline in the lesson of physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 17, 421-441.
Theodorakis, Y., Beneca, A., Goudas, M., Antoniou, P., & Malliou, P. (1998). The effect of self-talk on injury rehabilitation. European Yearbook of Sport Psychology 2, 124-135.
Theodorakis, Y., Laparidis, K. Kioumourtzoglou, E., & Goudas, M (1998). Combined effects of goal setting and performance feedback on performance and physiological response on maximum effort task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 1035-1041.
Deri, V., Zisi, V., Papadimitriou, K. & Kourtesis, T. (1997). Age and experience effects on information processing of female gymnasts, Physical Culture, 5, 515-520.
Papaioannou, A. (1997). Perception of motivational climate, perceived competence, and motivation of students of varying age and sport experience. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 85, 419-430.
Papaioannou, A. (1997). «I agree with the referee’s abuse, that’s how I also beat...»: Prediction of sport violence and attitudes towards sport violence. European Yearbook of Sport Psychology, 1, 113-129.
Theodorakis, Y. & Goudas, M. (1997). Physical Education interventions and attitude change. International Journal of Physical Education, 34, 65-69.
Theodorakis, Y. Beneca, A., Maliou, P., & Goudas, M. (1997). Examining psychological factors during injury rehabilitation: Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 6, 355-363.
Papaioannou, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (1996). A test of three models for the prediction of intention for participation in physical education lessons. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 27, 383-399.
Theodorakis, Y. (1996) The influence of goals, commitment and self-efficacy on motor performance. JournalofAppliedSportPsychology, 8, 171-182.
Theodorakis, Y., Malliou, P., Papaioannou, A., Beneca, A., Filactakidou, A. (1996). The effect of personal goals, self-efficacy, and self-satisfaction on injury rehabilitation. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 5, 214-223.
Διγγελίδης, Ν. & Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (1996). Αναπτυξιακές διαφορές στην εσωτερική παρακίνηση, στόχους επίτευξης, αντίληψη κλίματος παρακίνησης και αντίληψη εαυτού, στο μάθημα φυσικής αγωγής. Αθλητική Ψυχολογία, 16-31.
Kioumurtzoglou, E., Batsiou, S. & Theodorakis, Y. (1995). Age difference and physical fitness levels of mentally retarded individuals. International Journal of Physical Education, 32, 24-28.
Papaioannou, A. (1995). Differential perceptual and motivational patterns when different goals are adopted. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 17, 18-34
Theodorakis, Y., Bagiatis, K., & Goudas, M. (1995). Attitudes toward teaching individuals with disabilities: Application of Planned Behavior Theory. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 12, 151-160.
Τheodorakis, Y. (1995). Effects of self-efficacy, satisfaction and personal goals on swimming performance. The Sport Psychologist, 9, 245-253.
Kioumurtzoglou, E., Batsiou, S. Theodorakis, Y., & Mauromatis, G. (1994). Selected motor performance skills of mentally retarded and non retarded individuals. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 78, 1011-1015.
Papaioannou, A. (1994). The development of a questionnaire to measure achievement orientations in Physical Education. ResearchQuarterlyforExercise & Sport, 65, 11-20.
Τheodorakis, Y. (1994). Planned behavior, attitude strength, role identity, and the prediction of exercise behavior. TheSportPsychologist, 8, 149-165.
Παπαϊωάννου, Α. (1994): Αντιλήψεις μαθητών της διαφορετικής συμπεριφοράς καθηγητών φυσικής αγωγής προς ικανούς και λιγότερο ικανούς μαθητές. Αθλητική Ψυχολογία, 3-12
Παπαϊωάννου, Α., & Γούδας, Μ. (1994): Ενισχύοντας τα κίνητρα για μάθηση στη Φυσική Αγωγή και στον παιδικό αθλητισμό. Άθληση και Κοινωνία, 69-77.
Papaioannou, A., Macdonald, A. (1993). Goal perspectives and purposes of physical education as perceived by Greek adolescents. Physical Education Review, 16, 41-48.
Theodorakis, Y., Goudas, M., Doganis, G., & Bagiatis, K. (1993). Reasoned action theory and the prediction of training participation of young swimmers. British Journal of Physical Education. Research Supplement, 13, 10-12.
Theodorakis Y., Doganis, G., & Bagiatis, K. (1992). Attitudes toward physical activity in female physical fitness participants. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 23, 262-273.
Theodorakis, Y. (1992). Prediction of athletic participation: a test on Planned Behavior Theory. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 74, 371-379.
Theodorakis, Y., Goudas, M., & Kouthouris, H. (1992). Change of attitudes toward skiing after participation in a skiing course. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 272-274.
Doganis, G., Theodorakis, Y., & Bagiatis, K. (1991). Self -esteem and Locus of Control in adult female fitness program participants. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 10, 115-132.
Theodorakis, Y., Doganis, G., & Bagiatis K. (1991). Age differences and structural validity of the Greek version of the Body Cathexis scale. Psychological Reports, 68, 43-49.
Theodorakis, Y., Doganis, G., Bagiatis, K., & Goudas, M. (1991). Preliminary study of the ability of Reasoned Action model in predicting exercise behavior of young children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 72, 51-58.